Opportunity Listings

For companies and individuals seeking to promote their listings through our platform, we require a listing fee of $100 per listing. Please note that this fee is only applicable if your listing does not have a registration fee and provides a stipend/grant. If your listing involves an application fee or doesn’t offer a stipend we will be unable to list it without categorizing it as a sponsored listing.

Sponsored Listings

Sponsored listings are reserved for opportunities that require an application fee and do not offer a stipend. We take great care in curating our listings and are selective in our choices. Therefore, we may have to decline your inquiry if it does not align with our values.

Sponsored Ads

Sponsored ads are exclusively designated for classified ads featured in the weekly newsletter encompassing events, workshops, services and more. We take great care in curating our listings and are selective in our choices. Therefore, we may have to decline your inquiry if it does not align with our values.


Use the payment and listing inquiry forms below to send your listing. Once we receive your inquiry, we will design a customized PUTF listing card and share it with our 36K+ growing audience on our social media platforms, substack/newsletter (open rate: 70%), and website. 

Our audience consists of a diverse spectrum of young individuals, institutions, academics and artists located in NYC, across the United States, and around the globe.

We will continue to promote the listing until its respective deadline. (Please not that submissions without payment will not be considered for review.)

Selected Clients

Queens Council On The Arts, Times Square Arts, The Joyce Foundation, Pepsico, Printed Matter, Inc, e-flux, The Laundromat Project, Park Avenue Armory, Institute for Public Architecture, Institute For Studies On Latin American Art, Staten Island Arts, Mexican Summer, Apexart, Alfred University, Woodward Residency, Abrons Arts Center, Fractured Atlas, Something Special Studios, MIT Lab Poetic Justice, The American Trust for The British Library, Jeff Koons, Ethan James Green, Foundwork, Center for Book Arts, Children’s Museum of the Arts, Lighthouse Works, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Issue Project Room, Studio Museum In Harlem, Storefront for Art and Architecture, Pratt Institute and more.